Less Invasive Gum Treatment

Are you hiding your smile due to embarrassment as a result of gum recession or discomfort in exposure from weakened gums? Perhaps you've thought about receiving the traditional treatment for gum recession, but it may seem too intrusive or off-putting.

Fortunately at Zuch Periodontics & Dental Implants in Scottsdale, AZ, Dr. Jason Zuch is certified to perform a less invasive gum recession treatment known as the Pinhole Surgical Technique.

What causes the gums to recede?

Gingival recession (receding gums) is often a result of gum disease, when the tissue of the gums weaken to the point of withdrawal, exposing your tooth/teeth and in some cases the root of the tooth. When this occurs, it's much easier for bacteria to build and settle into the pockets between your teeth and gums—resulting in increased sensitivity and even decay.

What is the Pinhole Surgical Technique?

Traditional treatments for gum recession often utilize dental instruments like a scalpel or a surgical suture (an instrument often used to stitch up a wound), however, the Pinhole Technique does not.

To correct receding gums, the Pinhole Surgical Technique uses syringe needles to create very small holes to relax the tissue of the gums. This manipulates the gums by softening them enough to stretch over the exposed area of the tooth.

Dr. Zuch, certified to perform the Pinhole Surgical Technique in Scottsdale, AZ, will then ensure a personalized aesthetic that can be applied to more than one tooth during the procedure. After this point, collagen strips are added to the corrected gums to provide secure positioning to heal properly.

Benefits to the Pinhole Surgical Technique

Many people refrain from traditional gum recession treatments due to the reputation of it being rather painful, as well as a long recovery. Since the Pinhole Surgical Technique doesn't involve invasive instruments that typically cut, apply intense pressure, or stitch, it is seen as a procedure with considerably less pain.

Because of the quick recovery time, you can expect that after some time brushing your teeth even gentler, and by maintaining a proper dental care routine, the outcome of the treatment will bring back your confident smile.

For any further questions regarding the Pinhole Surgical Technique, Dr. Zuch with Zuch Periodontics & Dental Implants in Scottsdale, AZ, encourages you to give our office a call today at (602) 889-8666.

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